<however it goes…>
I love spending time in my head. I love spending time doing nothing but laying down, phones off, with my backs down, face up, eyes closed, and the sound of my inhale and exhale become music to my ears in the loud silence, and… It's beautiful really. You connect with yourself more. You see things you usually miss under normal circumstances. Whenever I'm in this state, my connection to the real world is temporarily severed. I'm in my space. I'm the star of my own movie. It's like I'm in a vlog of my own, romanticizing my life. A space where I host my concerts, where a number of persons come to watch me, and we have that moment where the lights are out, and the night is dark, and everybody puts on their flashlights, waving them to the rythm of our song, singing the chorus out loud without instruments. A space where I have real friends. And we hangout all the time. Organise sleepovers, movie nights, dates, exchange playlist, karaoke, etc. A space where I can afford the life, the fashion, food, place, I want. A space where I check out all my bucket list. Of course, these aren't all there is to it. I also happen to be very creative in this state. The quiet whispers. And maybe put on some Lord's Child x Montell. Definitely the Bedroom Lofi Album because… Enough of that!
Oh okay, so Fuji Kaze, in case you are wondering who he is. Fuji Kaze is a Japanese pop artist I learned about not too long now. Yea, Japanese. A good part of his lyrics are in Japanese, and I don't speak it, yet sha. But still, I love his style. It's like hearing art, hearing aesthetic, and all. His works are like all these beautiful Japanese poems made by Samurais. Anyways, that's that.
Let's talk about love…
I've been thinking about love a lot lately. I learned more. I've always been a fan of love. Yup, a hopeless lover of love. I love love, you get? But the world's idea of love is flawed. The real source of love is God. Your heart is not the source. The fact that you can experience love is a testimonial of your existence being from God. You get? Okay, look at it this way please, we have a big bad villain boss, like Thanos or somebody else, or a hardened criminal. These guys are supposedly heartless, right. No matter how bad, or dark, these guys may be, as long as they can love in the slightest, I mean this guys probably have children or a wife idk, or maybe a sibling. The littlest exhibition of love from these guys despite their supposed heartlessness, is a testament of God in them. It is one unavoidable feature that connects our being back to God. Everybody seems to have lost sight of this. The perfect definition of love is not found in poetry, novels, Bonnie and Clyde, Romeo and Juliet, and all. No! The perfect example of love, is God. In a society that has gone mad, love is the only thing that makes sense. Idk if you're with me, shey you understand. The fact that a heartless human can show love for somebody (spouse, child, sibling, etc.) or something, is evidence that God lives, and we are His children. Love is divine. So let's stop being foolish about love and appreciate it more, and appreciate God more.
Shey you're aware that four months has passed now, since we said the happy new years. It's not too early anymore. It's now getting late. How far with your resolutions? Have you grown? Have you evolved? Are you the same person you were four months back? He has your faith journey been? Have you learned? Have ticked anything off your bucket list? It's not early anymore yk, you could close your eyes and open them again, and then we'd be in September, December. I'm not saying this to pressure you or something. One thing I learned myself, is to live like it's your last day on earth. Zach Sobiech probably did one or two to my thinking. The movie Clouds is a very beautiful one. I think one reason why we laze around is because we think we have time. Lol, that time is not there. Live like tomorrow is not guaranteed. “If I died now, what would become of me?” You're taking time for granted. Procrastination, laziness, inconsistency, they rob us off our time. Time you can never recover. Tomorrow has it's own hurdles. You'll create problems for yourself when you push today's to tomorrow. So that book you want to write, please start. Start that Bible course, go back to God, reconcile. That skill, course, you want to learn, please do. You want to sing, do it. Do that thing you've been mandated to do today. It would be terrible if we round up the year like we always have. Time is priceless, and you treat it like trash? When do you want to do it? Next week? Tomorrow? In an hour's time? What happened to now? It's April. Start already. Like it or not, laziness is a choice. Procrastination is a choice. You chose to do nothing with little regard for the consequences. Hm. I'm stuck myself. I believe we all have things we ought to start. Start it, and then when you're doing a 12-month recap, you'll see how much you've grown.